Hundertwasser's Campaign for the retention of the Austrian car licence plates

Andrea C. Fürst

In 1988 and 1989 Hundertwasser mounted a campaign passionately against the resolution of the Austrian government to change the look and colour of the car licence plates.
He defended for the retention of the car licence plates with white numbers on black background and he bore every effort to supply evidence that black plates have also an intensive reflecting surface, maybe a much stronger. Hundertwasser’s point of view had a big response in the public and media.


Feb 24, 1988
Hundertwasser’s telegram: ”Am decisive against white license plates” is being sent to all governors, the Ministers of Domestic Affairs and Transportation and to the president of the Austrian parliament as well as to the media.

June 23, 1988
The vote in the parliament is in favour of the implementing of new license plates with white background and black letters respectively digits.

Nov. 3, 1988
Press conference/demonstration in Palais Schwarzenberg, Vienna, for the safeguarding of the Austrian identity and presentation of the license plates designed by Hundertwasser.

Nov. 28, 1988
Press conference about ”The License plates truth” at the Concordia Press Club, Vienna.

June 29, 1989
Governor’s conference votes and concludes, ”that a more aesthetic and more independent solution for the license plate for Austrian vehicles has to be found.”
This is followed by a motion in parliament to implement Hundertwasser’s license plates.

Aug. 22, 1989
A symposium of experts takes place in Graz and concludes that both license plates suggested are equally safe for the use on the roads.

Nov. 8, 1989
The SPÖ fraction in the parliament hinders a free vote in parliament about Hundertwasser’s license plates.
The License Plates Comittee is preparing a referendum in support of the traditional black Austrian license plates.

Jan. 1, 1990
Introduction of the white license plates.