Hundertwasser's comment on the work

As so many times before, for example 188 Der parlamentarische Inhalt eines Pfeilers, 180 Steamer and Whirlpool in the Garden, 201 Manica di Camicia, 581 The Impotent Krka Waterfalls, the irregular form of the edges of the painted surface is very significant, as it itself becomes an essential part of the picture. Unfolded letter envelopes, tailor's patterns can be used for nothing. You don't have to do anything in addition, otherwise the ready-made form is bad and implausible, and the contrast between the painted and the external form is ruined. The margin is like the skin. When I start painting, I don't know where to begin: from the edge towards the centre or from the centre towards the edge. - Let things take their own course. (from: Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Vol. 2, Taschen, Cologne, 2002, pp. 472-473)


Mixed media
Vienna, 1963
Painted at Radschin, Waldviertel, January 1962 - Vienna, December 18, 1963
310 mm x 375 mm
Watercolour and egg tempera on parchment primed with chalk and PV
  • Travelling exhibition 1964/65:
  • Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, 1964
  • Kunsthalle Bern, 1964
  • Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, 1964
  • Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1964
  • Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1965
  • Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna, 1965
  • *
  • Galerie Ariadne, Vienna, 1971
  • Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Orangerie, Vienna, 2013
  • Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, 2013/14
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, pp. 472/473 (and c)
  • Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, 1964, pp. 39 (c), 209
  • Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1964, cat. 115
  • Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna, 1965, cat. 128
  • Hundertwasser, Japan und die Avantgarde, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Orangerie, Vienna, 2013, p. 58 (c)
  • Postcard, Buchheim Verlag, Feldafing, n.d. (repr.)
  • Art Calendar 1972, Buchheim Verlag, Feldafing (August)
  • Hundertwasser 2012 Calendar, Taschen, Cologne (and reprints)