Hundertwasser residence 1979
- H. Rand, Hundertwasser, Cologne, 1991, p. 152 (c) and ed. 1993, p. 130 (c)
- P. Restany, Die Macht der Kunst, Hundertwasser - Der Maler-König mit den fünf Häuten, Cologne, 1998, p. 67 (c) and ed. 2018, p. 65 (c)
- A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, p. 1273 (c)
- R. Fleck, Kunst und Natur, Vienna, 2016, p. 75 (c)
- ZEITmagazin, no. 41, Oct. 5, 1979, Hamburg, pp. 56/57 (c)
- Ecovision21, no. 157, November 2016, Seoul, p. 21 (c)
Hundertwasser's comment on the work
... the bottlehouse, the house which I built, I transformed an old shed, the walls are made of bottles and the roof is made of grass, there is one foot, 30cm of soil on top of the roof and grass is growing on the roof.
So I live under the grass, it is very important to live under a grass roof, because then you feel sheltered, if you live underneath.
Humanity has so long subdued nature, destroyed nature, so it is time that man does the contrary and lives under the nature having grass on the roof, like all my architecture ... have grass and forests and trees on the roof, and people are much more happy, living under trees and under grass and under nature.
It is so cool in summer and so warm in winter, especially it is so refreshing for your thoughts and your soul.
The walls are made of bottles so I look through the bottles outside and it is like a chapel, like a small church, and I feel happy ...
(from: Hundertwasser, Contemporary Great Masters 9. Tokio: Kodansha, 1993. Japanese edition).