Die Reise mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn
Open Image GalleryAfter his stay in Japan from February to August 1961, Hundertwasser began his journey back to Europe on the Trans-Siberian Railway. His future wife Yuko Ikewada accompanied him on the journey, which Hundertwasser documented photographically. He was particularly interested in traditional Russian houses, but also in unusual buildings in the sense of "anonymous" or "accidental" architecture. Photographs of people and scenes follow on similar photos from the series "The Values of the Street" from 1952.
The photo shows the end of the journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway in Moscow. From Moscow, Hundertwasser and Yuko Ikewada traveled by plane to Frankfurt. According to his diary entry, he and Yuko were picked up in Frankfurt on August 26, 1962 by his mother, Arik and Noemi Brauer and Hans Neuffer. Hundertwasser also noted: "no reporters."