Original Graphic



Hundertwasser mastered and innovated many graphic techniques: lithograph, silk screen, etching, colour woodcut and mixed media. He was a forerunner in the development of new techniques and the use of new and unconventional materials. He used fluorescent colours, reflective glass bead overlays, metal foil printing, velvet blow-ups, and embossed printing, among others. In his mixed media prints, he combined different printing processes such as lithography, screen printing, and metal embossing.
Hundertwasser was one of the first to demand and practice complete transparency of technique, dates of creation, publisher, edition and variations for each graphic. On many prints there are embossed, stamped, or co-printed listings of colour variations, technical processes, and edition information. Many of his editions consist of multiple colour versions and variants that are part of the overall edition and were not numbered as separate editions.
Hundertwasser’s goal in the art of original graphic was to make many different unique pieces within an edition, the aim to overcome the chain production by the machine that always produces the same thing. It was important for him to work closely with his printers to develop an ingenious system of colour and form variants.
With the graphic work  10002 Nights Homo Humus Come Va How Do You Do  Hundertwasser reached a high point in the history of graphic art. In the edition of 10,002 each specimen differs from the other – an edition of 10,0002 unique specimen.