ARCH 122
Architecture Redesign

Maishima Island Project, Osaka
Redesign of the incineration plant and the chimney

Model 1:100: executed by Andreas Bodi, 1998
Start of construction: March 1997
Inauguration: May 2001

Hundertwasser designed 2 versions of the chimney; version I could not be realised for budgetary reasons

1997 - 2001
Showa Sekkei Inc., Osaka (execution on site)
2-1-1, Hokko Shiratsu, Konohana-ku, Osaka, Japan
Osaka City via HU-NET Corporation, Osaka
 Peter Pelikan (Ausführung der Pläne / execution of plans)

Hundertwasser was commissioned to architecturally refurbish and redesign the entire incineration plant, along with its 120-metre chimney strack. The plant was planned by the Japanese architectural team Showa Sekkei within the context of the "Maishima Island Project" for the city of Osaka. The incinerator is equipped with the latest and most advanced filter systems. Three stories were designed as an adventure world with a didactic component in order to make visitors, especially school children, conscious of the problems of waste and to encourage their cooperation in working towards a garbage-free society.

mehr weniger
  • R. Schediwy, Hundertwassers Häuser, Vienna, 1999, p. 243
  • W. Schmied, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2000, Vol. I, p. 377 (c)
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, pp. 1303/1304 (and c)
  • Hundertwasser Architektur, Cologne, 2006, pp. 268-271 (and c), 308 (c), 314
  • F. Hundertwasser / P. Restany, Hundertwasser, New York, 2008, p. 176 (c)
  • Briefmarkenbuch, Vienna, 2008, (and c)
  • Hundertwasser - Bau dir deine Stadt!, Stickerbuch, Munich, 2011 (c)
  • G. Illetschko, Planet Hundertwasser, Munich, 2012, p. 110 (c)
  • Art Souvenir - Hundertwasser, In the Colour of His Brush, London, 2016, pp. 81 (c), 92
  • Travelling exhibition 2006: Japan, pp. 116-117 (c)
  • Caixa Cultural Brasília and Salvador, 2009 (and c)
  • Hundertwasser, The Green City, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, 2016, pp. 197 (and c), 259
  • Leaflet: Maishima Incineration Plant, Osaka, n. d., cover (c)
  • Broschure: Environmental Management in Osaka City, Osaka, n. d., cover (c), p. 8 (c)
  • C. Franke / J. Kraushaar (ed.), deutsch.punkt 2, Stuttgart, 2013, p. 138 (c) and live book
  • Visitor Guide / Dossier de Visite, Quartier Libre SIG, Geneva, 2015, p. 7 (c)
  • 24 Stunden für Wien, no. 147, March, 2001, Vienna, p. 8 (c)
  • Umweltschutz, April, 2001, Vienna, pp. 16/17 (c)
  • Architecture and Society, Sep., 2001, Japan, pp. 12-15 (and c)
  • The Tasteful Magazine, no. 37, 2011, Kiev, pp. 10, 91, 112 (all c)
  • Ar'site, insert of no. 48, 2015, p. 2 (c)
  • TRANSIT, Nov. 2015, Toyko, p. 157 (c)
  • Hundertwasser 2004 Calendar, Taschen, Cologne
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim (cover)
  • Hundertwasser Pocket Notes, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2011
  • Hundertwasser Pocket Art 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser span-a-year Architecture Calendar 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Architecture 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser Diary 2013, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2013, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Architecture 2013, Wörner, Rutesheim (cover)
  • Art print, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2013 (48 x 48 cm)
  • Post card, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2013 (landscape and portrait format)
  • Post card, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2013 (repr. 2017) (AK-007)
  • Art + Architecture International Calendar, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2013 (cover and inside)
  • Hundertwasser span-a-year Architecture Calendar 2014, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2014, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Architecture 2014, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2016, Wörner, Rutesheim (detail)
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2017, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (square size)
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Architecture 2017, Verlag, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser span-a-year Architecture Calendar 2017, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2019, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (detail)
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Architecture 2019, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (square size), (cover)
  • Hundertwasser span-a-year Architecture Calendar 2019, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (detail)
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Architecture 2019, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (detail)