Hundertwasser's comment on the work

The building is completely overgrown with nature so people can wander and walk upon all parts of the roof. A multiplication of nature as an answer to urban distruction.(from: Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Vol. 2, Taschen, Cologne, 2002, p. 1294)

ARCH 112
A Hundertwasser Architecture Project

New building
Model 1:50: Alfred Schmid, 1991
Start of construction: 1992
Inauguration: 1999

1992 - 1999
6126 Silverado Trail, 94558 Napa Valley, California, USA
Carl Doumani, Napa Valley

This winery is another demonstration of the fact that production facilities can be built in harmony with nature. The building is integrated into its natural surroundings and seems to have grown up out of the landscape. Everything that was taken from nature during the construction of the building has been returned to it on the building's roof.

mehr weniger
  • Hundertwasser Architektur, Cologne, 1996, p. 316 (c) and ed. 2006, pp. 262/263 (c), 307 (c), 314
  • R. Schediwy, Hundertwassers Häuser, Vienna, 1999, p. 242
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, p. 1294 (c)
  • Hundertwasser, The Green City, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, 2016, pp. 192-193 (c), 259
  • Art & Antiques, no. 31, October 2008, New York, pp. 94-99 (and c)